PHNX riders come in all ages, shapes, and sizes but one thing they all have in common is a sense of adventure and a willingness to try something new (well, kind of new, snurfing being around for 50 years!!). A recent response on our PHacebook page got me thinking about the kind of person who might be attracted to a PHNX Board. When I asked the responder why our boards "might be fun for some people, but not for me", he replied "I like to go backwards sometimes and jump fakie, that's why". While that is totally cool, and snowboarding itself is cool, I don't understand why you would want to restrict yourself to just one way of doing things. Snowboarding, skiing, snurfing, sledding, dang, sliding your butt down a hill is one of the best things in life, why not do them all?
OK, so you really can't ride a snurfer backwards, but what you can do is experience first tracks all over the place with a hassle-free board that costs less than just the special boots required to snowboard. You can experience the peace and quiet of slopes all to yourself, like my man Marcus in the photo above. You can snurf right in the city on all those hills screaming out to be my man Marcus in the photo above...who is snurfing in Boston. And, you can learn something new, ride an "old school" snurfer but with some new features that make it even better. Oh, and you can do all this without spending a fortune on lift tickets!
Speaking of Marcus, this guy is so cool I could write an entire post about him. Here's a guy I met at that same hill in Boston who saw me riding and wanted to try it out. He failed, failed some more, then started to get the hang of it. At the end of the day, he convinced me to trade a PHNX prototype for...a beer! What? Yup, he took advantage of the fact that I was dang thirsty and got himself his own board. To be honest, I figured he was too poor to buy one, but that changed later on when he came back and bought TWO boards, a brand new Trailblazer and one of my spare Burton Throwbacks (just kidding, the Throwback is actually fun, but would be better if had the PHNX features). Oh, and by the way, this time he bought ME three beers! Better yet, these were beers that he home-brewed...legitimate, full bodied brews. Boy did I invest wisely in this guy!
So, whether you're a snowboarder who loves jumping fakie, a home-brewer who loves city snurfing, or a modifier who takes his various boards to the big resorts (read my last blog), one thing is for sure. You are someone who likes to try new things and mix it up. A trailblazer for sure, which is why we named our board after you!
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